Friday, September 26, 2008

I apologize in advance...

The Greek word for "again" or "backward" is palin.

The Greek verb for speaking is "lalein."

Palilalia is a speech disorder characterized by "involuntary repetition of words, phrases, or sentences."

Which may explain why we keep hearing the governor of Alaska tell us about her opposition to the Bridge to Nowhere.

The word she seems to repeat most, however, is "exceptional." America's an exceptional country, those listening to her are exceptional Americans. Given her support for hostilities against Russia, one's forced to assume that she really is a hard core American exceptionalist. Which rather does argue that both she and her running mate are running for Bush's third term.

I, like most Americans, take exception to that idea.


Robin Edgar said...

"Which rather does argue that both she and her running mate are running for Bush's third term."

Which might explain in part why John McCain picked a Vice President whose very name means "again" in Greek. . . Right Ogre? Come to think of it doesn't McCain rhyme with *again*? Is it possible that Republicans might be using some Chaos Magic in this campaign? ;-)

ogre said...

Good grief, no. You're talking about Sarah Palin, whose people stomp on the heads of python spirits. Using chaos magic?

Next you'll be trying to suggest that her family of origin, the Heaths, are secret bearers of a Pagan Chaos tradition. ;-)